A video captured by foreign tourists and their Moroccan guide in the Mahamid Al-Ghazlan region of Zagora has gone viral on social media. The footage shows the moment they discovered a girl trapped in an abandoned well. Emergency services successfully rescued the girl, who was taken to a regional hospital in Zagora and then transferred to Sidi Hsain Hospital in Ouarzazate for medical treatment due to her injuries. According to reports, the girl is from the Tagounit, a rural Moroccan commune in
Between rising temperatures, prolonged drought, and rainfall deficits, 2023 has been a record year, signaling significant climate changes in Morocco. In this context, the recent report from the General Directorate of Meteorology (DGM) corroborates the scientific forecasts for the region, as Morocco is considered a hotspot for the climatic disruptions affecting the Mediterranean.
Morocco reaffirmed on Wednesday in New York its «firm and constant» support for the sovereignty of the United Arab Emirates over the islands of Abu Musa, the Greater and Lesser Tunbs. The ambassador and permanent representative of Morocco, Omar Hilale, speaking before the 4th Committee of the UN General Assembly, indicated that the Kingdom supports «the request of this brotherly country to end the occupation by Iran of these three Emirati islands, as well as its position
انتشر على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مقطع فيديو وثّقه سياح أجانب برفقة مرشدهم المغربي في منطقة محاميد الغزلان بإقليم زاكورة جنوب المغرب. الفيديو يظهر لحظة حديثهم مع فتاة كانت عالقة في بئر مهجورة. وتمكنت عناصر الوقاية المدنية من إنقاذ الفتاة، حيث نُقلت في البداية إلى المستشفى
The UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, has suggested splitting the Sahara between Morocco and the Polisario as a potential solution to the territorial conflict, according to remarks reported by Reuters. During a closed-door briefing to the Security Council on Wednesday, October 16, de Mistura stated that dividing the territory «could allow for the creation, on one hand, of an independent state in the southern part, and on the other hand, the
طرح المبعوث الأممي للصحراء، ستافان دي ميستورا، فكرة تقسيم الإقليم بين المغرب وجبهة البوليساريو كحل للنزاع الذي يمتد لأكثر من خمسة عقود، وفقاً لتصريحات نقلتها رويترز. وفي إحاطة لمجلس الأمن خلف الأبواب المغلقة يوم الأربعاء، قال دي ميستورا، إن التقسيم "يمكن أن يسمح بإنشاء
The General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) has presented its key proposals for the 2025 Finance Law, aimed at fostering sustainable economic growth and job creation. Despite recent economic recovery, challenges remain, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. The CGEM has proposed several fiscal and sectoral measures, including: 1. Labor Taxation: Gradually reduce income tax over three years to a target marginal rate of 35% by 2027 and increase exemptions for certain
Avec un score de 54(+3) sur 100 points, le Maroc est considéré comme «partiellement libre», selon le classement mondial de la dernière édition du rapport annuel Freedom on the Net. Publié par l’ONG internationale Freedom House, le document analyse la situation dans 72 Etats, soit l’équivalent de près de 87% des internautes à travers le monde. Au niveau régional, la Tunisie obtient 60 points et la Libye
Le Maroc a réaffirmé, mercredi à New York, son soutien "ferme et constant" à la souveraineté des Émirats arabes unis sur les îles Tunb al-Kubra, Tunb al-Sughra et Abu Musa. L'ambassadeur représentant permanent du Maroc, Omar Hilale, devant la 4ème commission de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU, a indiqué que le Royaume soutient «la demande de ce pays frère de mettre fin à
Italian security authorities expelled a 49-year-old Moroccan citizen immediately upon his release from prison. The man, a resident of Lorago Marinone, had served time in Bassone prison for severely abusing his wife. According to Italian media, the man, imprisoned in September 2022, had physically abused his wife in front of their minor children. He was sentenced to two years and seven months in prison and was subsequently deported to Morocco.