El relato
28.31.وَأَنْ أَلْقِ عَصَاكَ فَلَمَّا رَآهَا تَهْتَزُّ كَأَنَّهَا جَانٌّ وَلَّى مُدْبِراً وَلَمْ يُعَقِّبْ يَا مُوسَى أَقْبِلْ وَلَا تَخَفْ إِنَّكَ مِنَ الْآمِنِينَ
28.31 . Throw down thy staff . And when he saw it writhing as it had been a demon , he turned to flee headlong , ( and it was said unto him ) : O Moses! Draw nigh and fear not . Lo! thou art of those who are secure .
28.31. Waan alqi AAasaka falamma raaha tahtazzu kaannaha jannun walla mudbiran walam yuAAaqqib ya moosa aqbil wala takhaf innaka mina al-amineena
28.31. " ¡Tira tu vara!"" Y cuando vio que se movía como si fuera unaserpiente, dio media vuelta para escapar, sin volverse. ""¡Moisés! ¡Avanza y no temas!¡No va a pasarte nada!"
28.32.اسْلُكْ يَدَكَ فِي جَيْبِكَ تَخْرُجْ بَيْضَاء مِنْ غَيْرِ سُوءٍ وَاضْمُمْ إِلَيْكَ جَنَاحَكَ مِنَ الرَّهْبِ فَذَانِكَ بُرْهَانَانِ مِن رَّبِّكَ إِلَى فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلَئِهِ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا قَوْماً فَاسِقِينَ
28.32 . Thrust thy hand into the bosom of thy robe , it will come forth white without hurt . And guard thy heart from fear . Then these shall be two proofs from your Lord unto Pharaoh and his chiefs : Lo! they are evil living folk .
28.32. Osluk yadaka fee jaybika takhruj baydaa min ghayri soo-in waodmum ilayka janahaka mina alrrahbi fathanika burhanani min rabbika ila firAAawna wamala-ihi innahum kanoo qawman fasiqeena
28.32. " Introduce la mano por la escotadura de tu túnica y saldráblanca, sana. Frente al miedo, ¡mantente sereno! He aquí dos pruebas de tu Señor,destinadas a Faraón y a sus dignatarios, que son gente perversa""."
28.33.قَالَ رَبِّ إِنِّي قَتَلْتُ مِنْهُمْ نَفْساً فَأَخَافُ أَن يَقْتُلُونِ
28.33 . He said : My Lord! Lo! I killed a man among them and I fear that they will kill me .
28.33. Qala rabbi innee qataltu minhum nafsan faakhafu an yaqtulooni
28.33. " Dijo: ""¡Señor! He matado a uno de los suyos y temo que mematen."
28.34.وَأَخِي هَارُونُ هُوَ أَفْصَحُ مِنِّي لِسَاناً فَأَرْسِلْهُ مَعِيَ رِدْءاً يُصَدِّقُنِي إِنِّي أَخَافُ أَن يُكَذِّبُونِ
28.34 . My brother Aaron is more eloquent then me in speech . Therefor send him with me as a helper to confirm me . Lo! 1 fear that they will give the lie to me .
28.34. Waakhee haroonu huwa afsahu minnee lisanan faarsilhu maAAiya rid-an yusaddiqunee innee akhafu an yukaththibooni
28.34. " Mi hermano Aarón es más elocuente que yo. Envíaleconmigo como ayudante, para que confirme lo que yo diga. Temo que me desmientan""."
28.35.قَالَ سَنَشُدُّ عَضُدَكَ بِأَخِيكَ وَنَجْعَلُ لَكُمَا سُلْطَاناً فَلَا يَصِلُونَ إِلَيْكُمَا بِآيَاتِنَا أَنتُمَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَكُمَا الْغَالِبُونَ
28.35 . He said : We will strengthen thine arm with thy brother , and We will give unto you both power so that they cannot reach you for Our portents . Ye twain , and those who follow you , will be the winners .
28.35. Qala sanashuddu AAadudaka bi-akheeka wanajAAalu lakuma sultanan fala yasiloona ilaykuma bi-ayatina antuma wamani ittabaAAakuma alghaliboona
28.35. " Dijo: ""Fortaleceremos tu brazo con tu hermano y os daremos autoridad.Así no se llegarán a vosotros. Gracias a Nuestros signos, vosotros dos y quienes os siganganaréis""."
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