on a tous dans notre tete (garcon ou meuf)une idée du mec ou de la gadji de nos reves,on se l'imagine dans notre tete des fois avant de dormir mdr sisi
bref donnez un
Salam à tous,
personnelement, je pense qu'il suffit de s'adresser à un transitaire francais qui te dira avec précision le montant des taxes douanières (si taxes il ya).
merci bcp c gentil, je vais demander conseil à mon bankier
B)-fait surtout pas ça les banquiers et les assureurs sont les pires voleurs affameurs de la planète, si tu
si t'es de Khenifra, t'a l'embaras du choix:
pour les numeros de téléphone, tu le trouvera sur n'importe quel CV video de leurs
Hi Sidislimaniaa,
If you really want to improve your english, I suggest you read english books or newspapers via Internet (this is for gramar & vocabulary) and watch english speaking channels
You already speak English you!! Go and learn chinese now :D
i understand everything you write here, but still difficult to me to discuss with you every subject :'(
Hi brother,
I would suggest you find a convenient & suitable solution with your ex-& maybe future wife. After all, you have left Morocco just for her!
If you are looking for a job, here
I'm back from Morocco and the prices the World Bank is putting forward are seriously hiked up. The average standard of living is moving up, we are now a land of immigration, not
What City, country?
It was in England.
The all country was shook8o which is quite unusual:^o
Did you feel it?
Are u sure you weren't dreaming?