Los puestos
37.136.ثُمَّ دَمَّرْنَا الْآخَرِينَ
37.136 . Then We destroyed the others .
37.136. Thumma dammarna al-akhareena
37.136. Luego, aniquilamos a los demás.
37.137.وَإِنَّكُمْ لَتَمُرُّونَ عَلَيْهِم مُّصْبِحِينَ
37.137 . And Lo! ye verily pass by ( the ruin of ) them in the morning
37.137. Wa-innakum latamurroona AAalayhim musbiheena
37.137. Pasáis, sí, sobre ellos, mañana
37.138.وَبِاللَّيْلِ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ
37.138 . And at night time ; have ye then no sense?
37.138. Wabiallayli afala taAAqiloona
37.138. y tarde. ¿Es que no comprendéis?
37.139.وَإِنَّ يُونُسَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ
37.139 . And lo! Jonah verily was of those sent ( to warn )
37.139. Wa-inna yoonusa lamina almursaleena
37.139. Jonás fue, ciertamente, uno de los enviados.
37.140.إِذْ أَبَقَ إِلَى الْفُلْكِ الْمَشْحُونِ
37.140 . When he fled unto the laden ship ,
37.140. Ith abaqa ila alfulki almashhooni
37.140. Cuando se escapó a la nave abarrotada.
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