Sweden has accelerated the process of deporting Moroccan teenagers in an irregular situation, AFP news agency reports on Friday. These expulsions intervened following the application of an agreement «which requires Rabat to accept their return», writes the same source. Sweden reports that about 800 young people, even very young North Africans, mostly Moroccans live without having a regularized status in large cities such as Stockholm and Gothenburg. Regeringens arbete ger
Que ce soit à la plage de Rabat, de Salé, de Témara ou de Harhoura, la rupture du jeûne, pieds dans l'eau, est devenue désormais une pratique à laquelle petits et grands commencent à souscrire. Le mois de ramadan, qui s'invite depuis quelques années en pleine saison estivale a chamboulé les habitudes des habitants des villes de Rabat, Salé et Témara. Entre ces infatigables et férus pêcheurs qui attendent
Le nombre de personnes poursuivies par la justice, dans le cadre des événements d’Al Hoceima, a atteint 86 personnes jusqu'à présent, a indiqué, jeudi à Rabat, le ministre délégué chargé des Relations avec le Parlement et la société civile, porte-parole du gouvernement, Mustapha El Khalfi. Il s’agit de 16 personnes traduites devant la Cour d’appel d’Al Hoceima et 32 autres au niveau du
A delegation of Chinese senior officials is in Morocco since the 6th of June to discover the country as a destination for tourists, reports on Thursday the Moroccan National office of Tourism (ONMT) in a communiqué. The group includes around fifty Chinese decision-makers who work for travel agencies, and media in the region of Pekin, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Their trip will last till the 16th of June 2017. The delegation will have the chance to discover during this visit tourism assets
Deux musées dédiés au célèbre créateur de mode français, Yves Saint Laurent, ouvriront à Paris et à Marrakech en octobre prochain, a-t-on annoncé lors d'une conférence de presse jeudi dans la capitale française. «Lorsque Yves Saint Laurent découvrit Marrakech en 1966, ce fut un tel choc qu'il décida tout de suite d'y acheter une maison et d'y revenir régulièrement. Il est donc
The Algerian authorities announced on Wednesday the 7th of June that they would «temporarily» cancel their plans of hosting the Syrian refugees stranded in the borders separating the two neighboring countries, le Monde reports. «The High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has not been able to reach a solution», spokesman of the Algerian Foreign Ministry Abdelaziz Benali Cherif said. The same person who announced Thursday 1st of June that Algeria will host a group of
The Moroccan Boxer hassan Saada is coming home on Friday 9th of June after retrieving his passport. A Brazilian court has allowed Saada to return to Morocco without any terms or conditions on his stay and the date of his return, Hesport reports. «The court has accepted a Hassan Saada’s request to participate in the African boxing championship. He was handed back his passport to leave for Morocco and join the tournament without putting any terms or restrictions to the trip»,
A Panama court has rejected a claim issued by the Polisario Front to block a Danish vessel that was carrying OCP phosphate rocks stating that the there was no evidence the cargo belonged to the group, the Moroccan company said on Thursday 8th of June in a statement. On the 17th of May, the Danish vessel Ultra Innovation that was carrying a phosphate cargo to Canada «has been detained by a national court» in Panama. The Separatist Front has filed a claim to hold the ship which was
Protests in Al Hoceima city are still ongoing. On Thursday 8th of June, protesters in the northern town around 5 pm clashed with police officers who fired tear gas at dozens of young people who took the streets to manifest against corruption, AFP reports as published by Le Monde. According to the same source, around 5 pm, before Iftar time, a group of young people gathered to denounce corruption in the alleys. They were ruthlessly pushed back by the police to a crossroads in the neighborhood
La 3ème édition du festival national des arts de la rue sera organisée du 16 au 18 juin à Fès, à l’initiative du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Initiée en partenariat avec le conseil de la région Fès-Meknès et la Commune urbaine de Fès, cette manifestation artistique vise à promouvoir la culture marocaine contemporaine, soutenir les jeunes talents et renforcer les