Le président tchadien, Idriss Déby Itno a présidé, lundi à N’Djamena, la cérémonie d’inauguration officielle d’une cimenterie construite par le Groupe marocain "Ciment d’Afrique" (CIMAF), filiale d’Addoha, avec une capacité de production qui s’élève à 500.000 tonnes par an, extensible à 1 million de tonnes. Fruit de la coopération entre le Tchad et le Maroc,
In a communiqué issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, king Mohammed VI ordered to send food supplies to Qatar. «This decision comes in line with the teaching of the Islamic religion especially during the holy month of Ramadan which is dedicated to solidarity», the press release indicates. The same source also justifies the act by a verse from the Koran insisting that «The step has nothing to do with the political situation and the
Les dépôts qui seront collectés par les banques participatives au Maroc pourraient connaitre une hausse allant de 5 à 10%, selon les prévisions de l'agence mondiale de notation Fitch Ratings. Les perspectives de croissance des banques participatives s'annoncent positives au Maroc car les dépôts représentent environ 70 pc du financement du secteur bancaire, précise l'Agence Fitch. «On s'attend à une progression rapide au
A ministerial delegation landed on Monday the 12th of June at Al Hoceima to «assess the socio-economic and development projects that are under construction in the region», reports Le 360 who spoke to a governmental source. The delegation is presided by Abdelouafi Laftit, the Interior Minister accompanied with Aziz Rebbah, Minister of Energy, Charafat Afilat, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment, Abdelkader Amara, Minister of Equipment, Lhoucine
After being absent for several days, the Minurso is back on track resuming slowly but surely its activities in the Guerguerate buffer zone. «For the moment, peacekeepers are being cautious, they do not cross the security wall and they are still protected by the Royal Armed Forces», a source told Yabiladi. «Members of the UN mission are in the other side, they are currently installed in Rabouni camp ( the headquarters of the Polisario's leadership) that they haven't left
A few weeks after the UK safety and security department issued a statement warning British tourists about the situation in Al Hoceima, Germany is also doing the same thing. The European country called its citizens who wish to visit Morocco to remain cautious and avoid traveling to the northern region of the Kingdom. According to a statement published on the official website of Germany's Federal Foreign Office, manifestations can occur at anytime in big cities and also in the northern region of
The Belgian federal police issued yesterday a «missing person» notice to find Jihane El Oizi, a six-year-old girl who was last seen at the slaughterhouse market in Anderlecht, informs Le Soir. The child disappeared at around 3 pm. «The girl is 1m20 height, has long brown hair and dark eyes. She speaks French and Dutch. She wore on Sunday a blue skirt with white stars, a pink belt and yellow sandals», writes the same source. On Monday, the police identified a suspect
Algeria is not indifferent to the events happening in the northern region of Morocco lately. On Tuesday, a sit-in will be held in Béjaïa «Kabylie region» at 10 pm in Said Mekbel square to support the wave of demonstrations that is taking place in Al Hoceima, Algerie Part, online newspaper reports. The demonstration is organized by a group of activists and civil society movements. Teachers, syndicates, the singer Agraw Boudjma, and journalists, headed by Djamel Alilat a
Anti-Islamic manifestations broke out on Saturday 10th of June in several cities in the United States, the CNN reports. The same source indicates that «a right-wing group protesting Islamic law, or Sharia, on Saturday clashed with counter-demonstrators in Seattle, Minneapolis and other cities». A group called «Act for America» organized a number of marches in several American cities in the USA indicating on its website that : «Sharia is incompatible with
Des milliers de manifestants ont participé, dimanche à Rabat, à la marche nationale organisée à l'appel d'organisations associatives, syndicales et des droits de l'Homme, en signe de solidarité avec le mouvement social en cours à Al Hoceima. Les manifestants, dont le nombre oscille entre 12.000 et 15.000 selon des observateurs, ont scandé des slogans appelant notamment à réaliser les revendications sociales et