Avec l'essor des vols low-cost ces dernières décennies, les week-ends de trois jours à l'étranger sont devenus tendance. Mais au Royaume-Uni, avec des billets d'avion aller-retour pour le Maroc à 30 livres sterling (environ 380 dirhams), les voyages pour la journée séduisent de plus en plus d’amateurs d’escapades express. C'est un phénomène qui prend de l'ampleur notamment grâce aux conseils des influenceurs
Morocco made significant strides in its fight against money laundering in 2023, reaching a decisive milestone. According to the seventh annual report from the Public Prosecutor's Office, published on March 6, 2025, the country recorded an unprecedented number of rulings in this area, with 134 decisions issued in a single year, Le Matin reports. This progress aligns with Morocco's removal from the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) grey list, recognizing national efforts to strengthen
Marruecos ha logrado un avance significativo en su combate contra el blanqueo de dinero en 2023. Según el séptimo informe anual de la presidencia del ministerio público, publicado el 6 de marzo de 2025, el país ha alcanzado un récord histórico con 134 sentencias dictadas en un solo año, tal como informa Le Matin. Este logro acompaña la salida de Marruecos de la «lista gris» del Grupo de Acción Financiera (GAFI),
Le Maroc a franchi un cap décisif dans sa lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent en 2023. Selon le septième rapport annuel de la présidence du ministère public, publié le 6 mars 2025, le Royaume a atteint un nombre inédit de jugements dans ce domaine, avec 134 décisions rendues en une année, rapporte Le Matin. Une dynamique qui accompagne la sortie du pays de la «liste grise» du Groupe d’action financière
Neo Motors avanza con determinación en su desarrollo industrial. Su CEO, Nassim Belkhayat, ha anunciado la entrega del primer lote de vehículos de la marca a las Fuerzas Armadas Reales (FAR), según lo publicado en LinkedIn. Este hito simbólico reafirma la ambición de la empresa de consolidarse como un actor clave en la industria automotriz de Marruecos. «Más allá de una simple entrega, este evento representa un compromiso firme: el de
Neo Motors franchit une nouvelle étape dans son développement industriel. Son PDG, Nassim Belkhayat, a annoncé la livraison du premier lot de véhicules de la marque aux Forces Armées Royales (FAR), sur Linkedin. Un moment symbolique qui confirme l’ambition de l’entreprise de s’imposer comme un acteur clé de l’industrie automobile marocaine. «Au-delà d’une simple livraison, cet événement
A bilateral agreement between Moroccan and French tomato producers is expected to be signed in mid-March to better regulate the presence of Moroccan cherry tomatoes on the French market, reports Réussir. This deal is expected to prevent Moroccan producers from directly competing with local production at the start of the French season. For a long time, Moroccan tomatoes were available off-season, complementing the French supply. However, with the development of greenhouse production in
French Justice Minister Gérald Darmanin is expected to meet his Moroccan counterpart, Abdellatif Ouahbi, Sunday in Rabat to deepen cooperation between the two countries in the fight against terrorism and organized crime. This visit is part of a diplomatic rapprochement meant to boost French-Moroccan judicial cooperation. This has been demonstrated through a series of visits. At the end of February, two alleged accomplices of French criminal Mohamed Amra were arrested in
The winds observed in Morocco over the past couple of days are not linked to Storm Jana, which is currently affecting Western Europe with gusts exceeding 150 km/h. This was confirmed by Houcine Youabed, communications manager at the General Directorate of Meteorology, who emphasized that these weather conditions are caused by an independent low-pressure system near the Portuguese coast. «This is not an extension of Storm Jana, but rather a typical winter depression, which brings strong
Brahim Diaz has been named Mahou Five-Star Player for the month of February, recognized for his standout performances with Real Madrid. The attacking midfielder played in all eight of his team’s matches during this period and made an impact by scoring during the match against Manchester City in the Champions League. «I am very happy to win this award, but above all, I am excited to see how the team is evolving and to feel the support of the fans. It’s something