El ministro de Justicia francés, Gérald Darmanin, se reunirá este domingo en Rabat con su homólogo marroquí, Abdellatif Ouahbi, con el objetivo de fortalecer la cooperación entre ambos países en la lucha contra el terrorismo y el crimen organizado. Esta visita se inscribe en un contexto de acercamiento diplomático y de intensificación de los intercambios judiciales entre Francia y Marruecos. En las últimas semanas, varios
Le ministre français de la Justice, Gérald Darmanin, rencontrera son homologue marocain, Abdellatif Ouahbi, ce dimanche à Rabat, pour approfondir la coopération entre les deux pays en matière de lutte contre le terrorisme et le crime organisé. Cette visite s’inscrit dans un contexte de rapprochement diplomatique et de renforcement des échanges judiciaires franco-marocains. Ces dernières semaines, plusieurs
El exdirector deportivo de la Real Federación Española de Fútbol (RFEF), Albert Luque, ha suscitado polémica por sus declaraciones despectivas y condescendientes hacia África en una entrevista con Cadena Ser. Al abordar las decisiones de selección de Lamine Yamal y Brahim Díaz, Luque no solo insinuó que elegir a Marruecos era una opción inferior a España, sino que también dejó escapar un comentario racista al
La UEFA ha dado a conocer este viernes la lista de los jugadores más veloces en la Liga de Campeones desde el inicio de la fase de grupos. El internacional marroquí ha alcanzado una impresionante velocidad de 36,5 km/h, ubicándose en el segundo lugar, justo detrás de Erling Haaland, quien lidera con 36,6 km/h. En 11 partidos, el lateral del PSG ha recorrido un total de 118,5 km. Completando el podio, Kylian Mbappé se sitúa en tercera posición
UEFA unveiled the ranking of players who have reached the highest speeds in the Champions League since the start of the group stage this Friday. Moroccan international Achraf Hakimi was clocked at 36.5 km/h, placing him second behind Erling Haaland (36.6 km/h). In 11 matches, the Parisian full-back covered a total of 118.5 km. Behind them, Kylian Mbappé completes the podium with a top speed of 36.4 km/h, followed by Manchester City's midfielder Matheus Nunes (36.3 km/h) and Brest's
The former sporting director of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), Albert Luque, has sparked controversy with remarks marked by disdain and condescension toward Africa in an interview with Cadena Ser. Discussing the national team choices of Lamine Yamal and Brahim Diaz, he not only suggested that Morocco was an inferior option compared to Spain but also made a racially charged comment by comparing Italy to Kenya. When asked about Brahim Diaz's decision to represent
On Friday, March 7, MIGA and the World Bank presented the 10th Gender Leadership Award to Loubna Ghaleb, a board member of the Tanger Med Group, in celebration of International Women's Day. Established in 2016, this award honors women leaders for their commitment to gender equality within companies. Loubna Ghaleb was recognized for her leadership and efforts in fostering an inclusive and sustainable work environment. This distinction also highlights the collective efforts of the Tanger Med
The former sporting director of the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), Albert Luque, has shed light on the behind-the-scenes decision of Lamine Yamal to represent Spain instead of Morocco, revealing the pressures and stakes involved in this choice. «It wasn't a simple case», confides Albert Luque. Lamine Yamal, a prodigious talent from FC Barcelona, had the option to choose between the Spanish national team and the Moroccan national team. Ultimately, the 17-year-old forward opted
Naïma Samih, a legendary figure in Moroccan music, has passed away at the age of 72 after a long illness. Born in 1953 in Casablanca's Derb Sultan neighborhood, she left an indelible mark on both the Moroccan and Arab music scenes. Coming from a conservative family, Naïma had to leave school in 1966 to train in hairdressing and aesthetics. However, her passion for music quickly led her to talent discovery shows on Moroccan Radio-Television, including Mohammed Bouanani’s Khamiss
L’UEFA a révélé ce vendredi le classement des joueurs ayant atteint les plus grandes vitesses en Ligue des champions depuis le début de la phase de groupes. L’international marocain a été flashé à 36,5 km/h, ce qui le place en deuxième position derrière Erling Haaland (36,6 km/h). En 11 rencontres, le latéral parisien a parcouru pas moins de 118,5 km. Derrière eux, Kylian Mbappé