قامت الأميرة للا حسناء، رئيسة مؤسسة محمد السادس لحماية البيئة، وبريجيت ماكرون، اليوم الثلاثاء، بزيارة لحديقة التجارب النباتية بالرباط. ولدى وصولها إلى حديقة التجارب النباتية، وجدت بريجيت ماكرون في استقبالها الأميرة للا حسناء، قبل استعراض تشكيلة من القوات المساعدة أدت
On Tuesday, at the Royal Guest Palace in Rabat, Emmanuel Macron met with the President of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami, followed by the President of the House of Councillors, Mohamed Ould Errachid. On October 29, 2024, the French President addressed Parliament as part of his state visit to Morocco, at the invitation of King Mohammed VI. This invitation followed the President's letter to the King on July 30, the 25th anniversary of the Fête du Trône, in which he
Air Arabia, the pioneering low-cost airline, has announced the launch of a new direct service from Tetouan to Rotterdam, Netherlands. Inaugurated on Monday, October 28, these flights, operated twice weekly (Saturday and Monday), provide travelers with an unprecedented opportunity for convenient transit between Morocco and Europe, according to the airline's press release. The flights depart from Tetouan at 2:20 p.m. (local time) and arrive in Rotterdam at 5:30 p.m. (local time). Return flights
Emmanuel Macron a reçu, ce mardi au palais des hôtes royaux à Rabat, le président de la Chambre des représentants, Rachid Talbi Alami, puis celui de la Chambre des conseillers, Mohamed Ould Errachid. Il a reçu également le chef du gouvernement, Aziz Akhannouch. Ce 29 octobre 2024, le président français a ensuite donné un discours au Parlement, dans le cadre de sa visite d’Etat effectuée au Maroc,
Moroccan golfer Maha Haddioui secured a sixth-place finish at the Hero Women's Indian Open, strengthening her position to qualify for the 2025 Ladies European Tour (LET). The 36-year-old player delivered a final round of 69 (-3) on the challenging Delhi course. According to a press release from the LET, Haddioui, who started six shots behind the leaders, managed to climb to the top of the leaderboard after 12 holes with five birdies. Despite recording three bogeys in the last four holes, she
Le président français Emmanuel Macron et son épouse, Brigitte Macron, ont visité ce mardi le mausolée Mohammed V à Rabat, où ils se sont recueillis sur les tombes des souverains défunts, Mohammed V et Hassan II. A leur arrivée au mausolée, le chef de l’Etat et la première dame de France ont été salués par le conservateur du mausolée, le colonel major Hassan Charif Skalli, avant de
On Tuesday, French transnational company Veolia and the Kingdom of Morocco signed a memorandum of understanding on a strategic partnership to develop an «exclusive seawater desalination project». The project will be the largest in Africa and the second largest in the world, according to a press release sent to Yabiladi. The initiative is part of Morocco’s national energy strategy, promoted by King Mohammed VI to «strengthen water supply security and meet the challenges
Veolia et le royaume du Maroc ont signé, ce mardi, un protocole d’accord relatif à un partenariat stratégique, pour développer «en exclusivité» un projet de dessalement d’eau de mer. Ce chantier constituera «le plus grand d’Afrique et le deuxième plus grand au monde», fait savoir un communiqué parvenu à Yabiladi. L’initiative «s’inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie
يتضمن برنامج زيارة الرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون إلى المغرب، غداءً في موقع شالة الذي أعيد فتحه للجمهور، وكذلك افتتاح المسرح الكبير بالرباط من قبل الأميرة لالة حسناء، برفقة السيدة الأولى لفرنسا حسب ما أورده موقع "لو 360". وتم تصميم المسرح الكبير بالرباط من قبل المهندسة
Morocco’s Digital Transition and Administrative Reform Minister, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, met with a delegation of French business leaders and investors on Tuesday in Rabat. The meeting aimed to strengthen Morocco-France cooperation in the digital and high-tech sectors. El Fallah Seghrouchni emphasized the exceptional partnership between Morocco and France, built on a shared desire to strengthen ties of friendship and cooperation in strategic areas, particularly digital technology.