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juste pour les femmes
13 juillet 2004 15:07

EL li fiha fiha...........
13 juillet 2004 15:09
awatifd ait happens also to me......................i'm already nervous beside my own period but when it is it's even worst......i prefer not to talk with him oterwise we just fight..............i went to the doctor ,he gave me a medecine...........try to go it's the only solution.grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley
13 juillet 2004 15:09
bon je me suis mis en femme psychologiqement pour ouvrir ce post...mais ça risque de durer 10minutes pas plus....ah c'est bon ça commence, je sens que ça vient......ahhh ehhhhhhhh ah j'ai une soudaine envie de prendre la carte bleue de mon mari et d'aller faire les magasins pour acheter des habils que je ne mettrais passmiling smiley......

awatifd, be cool, if you are stressed, take a kiss kool, and it will be better...but if it didn't work, you can do the housework smiling smiley, you will be tired so much that you will not have the capacity to raise a's a solution
13 juillet 2004 15:35
hehehe hakim that's a nice solution tx
lolita I will do that, u know i don't like to take that kind of medication cause i thought i m still young for that but if that's what it takes hey i will tx sister
13 juillet 2004 16:21
ses tes hormones qui sont débalancer il faudrait que tu voit un medecin pour réajuster et apres tu seras bcp mieux ses ce que jai déja fait
et puis prendre la petite carte bleu de ton mari nest pas une mauvaise idée comme ta suggéré Hakim hihi ca aide a soulager momentément ;-)))!!
bonne chance avec tes regles qui pour moi était un enfer heureusement aujourdhui je suis libéré de ca!!
13 juillet 2004 16:22
awatif: I am sorry I could make some comments right here...but unfortunately the subject is specifically for ladies...smiling smiley

Well, I will go forward with my answer, probably it will help you...have you ever visited a Fkih? I can advice you famous and expert Fkih in this matter in Morocco ... he writes some specific Hjabs and hrouzzs for cases like yours using his Demiatology knowledge...if you need more information he got also a hotline (00212800552211), just be patient if you will not get him first in the line, because he has also a secretary Lalla Fatouma, taking calls. Proposed prices are affordable 30 DH per hour ( taxes included), but unfortunately not reimbursed by the medical insurances!
he is very famous in his Douar, where he got his knowledge and his tremendous expertise. The whole women from his Douar were suffering form the something like you and ladies use to have all time stress and disput with the men from that village, life was horrible in that Douar and finally the miraculous fkih came with his Hrouzza and solve the problem and the Douar lives again in peace... I just recently that he got a high profile visit from a prestigious university of medicine in the States. They heard about him and want to understand the clue of this mysterious success...They took some Hrouzza to their labs for analysis...etc

This is a true story!

leave it or Beleive it!

Message edité (13-07-04 16:25)
14 juillet 2004 03:20
I think this is dumb sorry but very stupid u should get involved with women stuff
14 juillet 2004 06:27
Rania wrote:
Hie awatifd !

you take medicamments against the stress when you have your rules?


It should be:
Hi Awatifd,
Take some medications against stress when you are in period.

Sorry Rania, but I could not resist especially when I read "rules"smiling smiley

Do you have children?

14 juillet 2004 12:17
ca s'english ici

euh, je vois que tout le monde speak le English
je vais m'y mettre aussi grinning smiley
euhh so awatifd, take it easy, be cool, don't worry, be happy, happy face grinning smiley

If you have your rules, take it easy winking smiley, speak calmly with your husband, tries to control your nerves, it's the period when we women, we do not manage any more our nerves, we become nervous, tired, and I think that we should do our best to manage that. Or, as yabiladiens told you, you should go and see a doctor so he can prescribe you drugs for your calming, or make activities during this period, like shopping, it's really clear that on seven days you will empty the bank account of your husband :p, but it's better than to liquidate the remainder of his brain.

14 juillet 2004 13:03
awatifd a écrit:

> I think this is dumb sorry but very stupid u should get
> involved with women stuff

I am really dispaointed with your feedback on my stroy! ...I just wanted to help you, and I recommended you a very famous Fkih that even scientists dare to undertand his Demiatology Success in his village with the same cases as yours sad smiley....anyway, I have one question, How can I get involved with women stuff, as you suggest?
14 juillet 2004 14:12
I don't think u should get involved at all, like the subject says just pour les femmes u shouldn't even have read it...if u were a real man u wouldn't be talking about fkih and ... cause i don't beleive in that....
14 juillet 2004 14:21
awatifd a écrit:

> I don't think u should get involved at all, like the subject
> says just pour les femmes u shouldn't even have read it...if u
> were a real man u wouldn't be talking about fkih and ... cause
> i don't beleive in that....

well I appologized at the beggining for being too curious and getting involved in your issues...but you said above that i should get involved in women stuff? how can I do that?. I am again disapointed with your reaction. Insteed of saying Thanks Mr, your are hurting me when u said that "I should be a real man", just my fault is that I beleive in the power and the mercyless medecine of the Fkih of that Douar who undoubtfully cures the same cases similar to what u have discribed... I am really sorry if you dont beleive in Foukha, because you are missing some nice Hrouzza and Hjab...but let try it first before giving your free judgement about this innocent Fkih, and it seems that you just dont beleive in what you have never experienced! for me I recommend all the Fkih of that Douar because I know he has the right remedy for your illness!
sad smiley

Message edité (14-07-04 14:24)
14 juillet 2004 18:33
just wanted to try some smileys winking smiley
grinning smiley

Message edité (14-07-04 18:34)
15 juillet 2004 14:06
alximo never minddddd
15 juillet 2004 14:13

Guten tag Aziz smiling smiley

you wrote : for me I recommend all the Fkih of that Douar because I know he has the right remedy for your illness!

Did you experience it for yourself ??? :p
15 juillet 2004 14:25
Awatifd: no problem,

Have you tried the Fkih that I recommended? hope it will help you.... and I am still waiting for the feedback smiling smiley
15 juillet 2004 14:29
Chireen: no nein. The Fkih is for women only...and I dont have such problem smiling smiley
15 juillet 2004 14:41

So how can u be sure that is really efficient ??? :p
15 juillet 2004 14:48
Because of his proven experience in that Douar, where he cures (thanks to his Demiatology know-how in Hruzza and Hjabbs) all the women who suffered terribally from the same contagious disease like in Awatif case smiling smiley
15 juillet 2004 14:54

ahaha, maybe there is also another reason, men from this douar could be nicer than ones from other places...grinning smiley
May be I should move on to that douar...smiling smiley
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