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Greve des prisonniers palestiniens: Silence Radio
21 août 2004 05:18
Depuis le 15 aout 2004, les detenus palestiniens dans les prisons de l'occupation sioniste ont commence une greve de la faim illimitee.

Les medias de l'occident qui font beaucoup de bruit quand un (juste 1)dissident Chinois ou Cubain fait une greve de faim. Maintenant c'est le silence voire le complice avec la Mafia sioniste.

quelques liens:




Message edité (21-08-04 05:27)
21 août 2004 05:50

Le 4 Septembre 2004 a ete designe par les familles des prisonniers palestiniens comme une journee International de Solidarite avec les prisonniers Palestiniens:

September 4, 2004: International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners

The families of the Palestinian political prisoners plead with you, the members of the international community, to join in solidarity with our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters who are being held in Israeli prisons by organizing demonstrations, marches, holding silent vigils or activities to publicize the plight of the political prisoners and to bring pressure on the government of Israel to cease these violations of law and to treat Palestinian prisoners as human beings entitled to basic human rights.

For more information visit our temporary website at or telephone (972) 2 277 4602 or (972) 547-358-579
or email: [email protected]

For Links on Prisoner Abuse:

1. A PHRMG report that describes and substantiates many
or the prisoners’ grievances:

2. PHRMG Testimonials:

3. General statement on Israeli prison conditions from
HRW: []

4. Urgent Appeals in specific cases by Amnesty Int’l:



5. []

Petition to Israel High Court: Stop Prisoner Abuse
Wednesday, 9 June 2004, 9:33 am
Physicians For Human Rights In Israel

6. []
Defense for Children International
Palestine Section
22 May 2002 No.10

7. News Reports on Prison Abuse and Torture

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