23.101 . And when the trumpet is blown there will be no kinship among them that day , nor will they ask of one another .
23.102 . Then those whose scales are heavy , they are the successful .
23.103 . And those whose scales are light are those who lose their souls , in hell abiding .
23.104 . The fire burneth their faces , and they are glum therein .
23.105 . ( It will be said ) : Were not My revelations recited unto you , and then ye used to deny them?
23.106 . They will say : Our Lord! Our evil fortune conquered us , and we were erring folk .
23.107 . Our Lord! Oh , bring us forth from hence! If we return ( to evil ) then indeed we shall be wrong doers .
23.108 . He saith : Begone therein , and speak not unto Me .
23.109 . Lo! there was a party of My slaves who said : Our Lord! We believe , therefor forgive us and have mercy on us for Thou art best of all who show mercy ;
23.110 . But ye chose them from a laughing stock until they caused you to forget remembrance of Me , while ye laughed at them .
23.111 . Lo! I have rewarded them this day forasmuch as they were steadfast ; and they verily are the triumphant .
23.112 . He will say : How long tarried ye in the earth , counting by years?
23.113 . They will say : We tarried but a day or part of a day . Ask of those who keep count!
23.114 . He will say : Ye tarried but a little if ye only knew .
23.115 . Deemed ye then that We had created you for naught , and that ye would not be returned unto Us?
23.116 . Now Allah be exalted , the True King! There is no God save Him , the Lord of the Throne of Grace .
23.117 . He who crieth unto any other god along with Allah hath no proof thereof . His reckoning is only with his Lord . Lo! disbelievers will not be successful .
23.118 . And ( O Muhammad ) say : My Lord! Forgive and have mercy , for Thou art best of all who show mercy .
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