Composed of three segments, a Dutch documentary entitled «Familie, geloof en hoop» (Family, faith and hope) contained declarations by 4 Moroccan gay men. Faced with shame and pressured by his family, Nassiri, one of the 4 participants who came out about being gay spoke to, a Dutch website, about «the pain he went through during 25 years before being able to reveal his sexual identity». Spending years «of loneliness and depression», he stated,
Un détenu, victime d'une agression par un compagnon de cellule, a succombé lors de son évacuation à l’hôpital, a indiqué la direction de la Prison locale de Salé 1. Selon les déclarations de l’agresseur et d’autres codétenus, les deux détenus sont entrés mardi vers 01h00 dans une altercation, avant que la tête de la victime ne heurte la structure métallique du lit, précise un
300 Sub-Saharana migrants tried to enter Melilla Tuesday morning, Reuters reports. 100 of them managed to force their way across the 6-meters wire fence making it through to the city at around 5am. Some of these migrants have thrown rocks at officials. «Three policemen were injured in clashes with the migrants, who kicked and threw rocks at the officers», Spain Interior Ministry said in a statement reported by AFP. According to the same source, 1000 migrants have tried to
Two men one Moroccan and one Algerian were arrested yesterday 8th May in Dublin, Ireland by the members of the Garda’s counter terrorism international unit. The suspects are accused of laundering money for the terrorist group ISIS using Irish bank accounts, SundayWorld reports. The Irish times, on the other hand, indicated on Tuesday that the Moroccan national suspect was released «without charge» whereas the Algerian was kept in custody over links to terrorist activity.
Morocco eyes mutual benefits as the Chinese Belt and Road initiative is under construction, the Xinhua news agency reports. The project that was first launched by the Chinese paramount leader, Xi Jinping during a speech to the Indonesian Parliament in 2013 will contribute in the creation of a modern Silk Road spanning on 65 countries. China has promised to build a maritime road to connect coastal Chinese cities to Africa and the Mediterranean, a step that would increase global economic
The two suspects that were directly involved in the murder of Hassan Shimi were detained yesterday in Sale’s local prison, MAP reports. The defendants will be prosecuted for «homicide and robbery». During the reconstruction of the crime scene on Saturday in Oued Eddahab neighborhood, security forces brought two suspects that are allegedly involved in the murder. For the record, Shimi was found murdered Wednesday evening at his home in Temara. Immediately informed,
Attijariwafa, one of Morocco’s biggest banks has paid twice book value for the acquisition of Barklays Egypt, Mohammed El Kettani the bank's CEO told Reuters on Sunday. Barklays’ acquisition will enable the Moroccan bank to expand its market share to 5 percent naming the new unit Attijari Bank Egypt. Kettani, speaking to the British news agency, did not reveal the value of the recent purchase but declared instead that it was «twice Barclays Egypt's 2016 book value or about
Le juge d'instruction près la cour d’appel à Rabat a ordonné, dimanche, l’incarcération, à la prison locale de Salé, des deux mis en cause soupçonnés d’implication directe dans le meurtre de Hassan Shimi, journaliste-photographe à l'Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP). Les deux suspects, déférés plus tôt dans la journée devant le parquet près la même cour, seront
L’ambassadeur du Maroc à Alger, Lahcene Abdelkhalek, a tenu dernièrement des rencontres avec les membres de la communauté marocaine relevant des consulats généraux du Royaume à Oran et Sidi Bel Abbès, dans l’ouest algérien. Lors de ces réunions, le diplomate marocain a souligné que ces rencontres s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la sollicitude dont le roi Mohammed VI entoure les membres de la communauté
Emmanuel Macron a été élu président de la République française, ce dimanche 7 mai 2017, battant Marine Le Pen avec plus de 65% des suffrages exprimés. Le roi Mohammed VI lui a adressé un message de félicitations.