The Police of Bolzano, a city located in Northern Italy, have arrested twelve individuals allegedly involved in an international drugs trafficking network, Rai News reports. Among the defendants were 10 Moroccans and two Italians who reportedly transported «hundreds of kilograms of Hashish from Spain, as well as psychotropic drugs». The network operated in five Italian regions namely Trentino-Alto Adige in the north, Piedmont near the French borders, Lombardy, Vento
The Moroccan textile industry is slowely but surely recovering from the crisis that hit the sector a few years ago. According to the Moroccan Association of Textile and Clothing (Amith), the industry has scored positive and progressive numbers for 2016. Zone Bourse reports that the Kingdom collected MAD 34.22 billion last year through the exportation of textile products. One of Morocco's important clients remains Spain with which Morocco had made more than MAD 18.49 billion. Amith has been
Mustapha Khalfi the captain of the national basketball team will leave by the end of FIBA Afrobasket 2017, FIBA reports in an article published on its official website. The Moroccan player told FIBA on May the 5th that he is retiring once the championship is over. «This FIBA AfroBasket is likely to be the last one for half of our national team, including me. So I'll fight and do everything in my power in order to finish on a positive note» , Khalfi announced. The 37-year-old guard
Malawi has abandaned its recognition of the Polisario separatist front, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicates in a communiqué sent today to Yabiladi. The decision was announced on Friday 5th of May in Rabat by Malawi's top diplomat, Francis Kasail during a meeting that he had with Nasser Bourita, the same source reports. This is not the first time that the country makes such decision. In September 2008 Joyce Banda considered the same thing, the statement points out. In March
Les services de la police judiciaire de Tétouan ont arrêté vendredi un professeur de l'enseignement supérieur à l’Université Abdelmalek Essaadi de Tétouan, soupçonné d’être impliqué dans une affaire d’attentat à la pudeur sur des personnes sous son autorité avec contrainte, de trafic d’influence et de harcèlement sexuel. Dans un communiqué, la Direction
A fire at the Mamounia hotel was contained Friday morning after it broke out because of a fuel tank truck. The tanker was located in an underground area outside the hotel in Marrakech to provide supplies for the hotel, local authorities report. An employee slightly burned in the fire was transferred to the hospital to receive the necessary care, the same source added. For the record Mamounia is five-star palacial hotel in the old Medina of Marrakech. It is famous for being visited
Les éléments de la protection civile ont réussi, vendredi matin, à maitriser un début d'incendie survenu lors de l’opération d’approvisionnement par un camion-citerne d’un réservoir de carburant sous terrain situé dans un espace externe de l’hôtel La Mamounia à Marrakech, apprend-on auprès des autorités de la Wilaya de la région Marrakech-Safi. Un employé
La commission de l'Environnement du parlement de Wallonie (partie francophone du sud de la Belgique) a approuvé, ce vendredi, l'interdiction de l'abattage rituel sans étourdissement au 1er septembre 2019. Une proposition de décret visant à interdire l'abattage des animaux sans étourdissement préalable au 1er juin 2018, avec une période transitoire pour l'abattage rituel jusqu'au 1er septembre 2019, a été approuvée à
Human rights watch has reacted to the crisis linked to the Syrian refugees stuck in the borders between Algerian and Morocco. The organization released an article this morning claiming that authorities in both countries should afford medical assistance and protection to the Syrian asylum seekers who are trapped in the border area near Figuig. According to the same source, the group of refugees has crossed the borders of Algeria coming from Libya. They were on their way to Morocco when they got
L’industrie se taille la part du lion avec plus de la moitié des investissements approuvés. Près de 5 000 emplois directs devraient être créés dans ce secteur.