The European Council of Moroccan Ulema condemned on Monday the terror attack that targeted Muslims in London, when a man in a van drove over worshipers on their way out of a mosque in Finsbury park. The council ensures in a communiqué, that it has followed with «astonishment» the horrifying attack that took place near the mosque of Finsbury Park and which left one dead and several injured. Strongly condemning «this Islamophobic criminal act which is likely to
Le Conseil européen des Ouléma marocains a condamné, lundi, l’attaque à la voiture bélier ayant visé des Musulmans à la sortie d’une mosquée à Londres. Le Conseil affirme, dans un communiqué, avoir suivi avec "stupéfaction" l’attaque ayant visé des fidèles près de la grande mosquée de Finsbury Park et qui a fait un mort et plusieurs blessés. Condamnant fermement
L’Institut national de formation aux droits de l’Homme (INFDH) sera baptisé du nom de feu Driss Benzekri, en hommage à ce militant qui a marqué de son empreinte l’histoire des droits de l’Homme au Maroc. Selon un communiqué du Conseil national des droits de l’Homme (CNDH), la cérémonie marquant l’attribution du nom de feu Driss Benzekri à l’INFDH sera organisée le 5 juillet à Rabat, en
In a communiqué sent to Yabiladi, the Muslim Executive of Belguim (EMB) firmly condemned the terror attack that took place yesterday in London where a man in a van drove over pedestrians who have just got out of the Finsbury park mosque in the UK. Right after finishing the evening prayers, worshipers went through a tragic moment after a man died and 10 others were injured. As a way of supporting the victims, the EMB states that «the attack indicates that terrorism has no
The American citizen Amani Al-Khatahtbeh has been through the worst moments of her life when she arrived to Nice airport. The journalist was force to take off her scarf by the police as she stated in a long Facebook post and tweet, Le Figaro reports. The founder of MuslimGirl was invited to judge the Cannes Lions festival last Friday, she says on her Facebook page narrating what happened in the airport. Once arrived to France, a police officer refused to stamp her passport because she was
A man was killed and 10 others injured yesterday around midnight when a 48-year-old man in a van drove over pedestrians near a mosque in Finsbury Park, London, the BBC reports. According to the same source the victims of the attack were all Muslims that were outside a Muslim Welfare House. Speaking to the same source, an eyewitness called Abdul Rahman declared that «the driver had said he wanted to "kill all Muslims"», he added saying that «he struck the man and helped subdue
Two brothers living in the 23rd floor of the Grenfell tower were on the phone with their father just a few hours after he went missing. According to Sunday Express, Abdel Salam who is believed to be Moroccan was trapped in his apartment when the fire broke out. «The pensioner was speaking to his two sons on the phone as they made their way home from the Al Manar mosque», the same source reports. Abdel Salam is a 75-year-old retired man who lived with his two sons. «as the
L’ambassadeur du Maroc à Londres Abdesselam Aboudrar et le consul général Abderrahim Beyyoudh ont tenu, samedi au siège du consulat, une réunion avec les familles des victimes et les rescapés de l’incendie de la tour Grenfell qui a coûté la vie à six Marocains formellement identifiés. Lors de cette rencontre, qui a réuni également des acteurs associatifs, M. Aboudrar a présenté ses
Le festival "Maroc Hikayat" (contes) est un rendez-vous culturel qui célèbre le patrimoine immatériel international et rend un hommage particulier aux conteurs et au patrimoine oral, a indiqué la directrice du festival , Najima Thay Thay Rhozali. Cette 14 ème édition qui se tient dans plusieurs espaces de la région Rabat-Salé-Kénitra a choisi "la mer dans l’imaginaire populaire" comme thème, en harmonie avec les
At least two people were arrested on Friday in Al Hoceima, core of the contest movement that has shaken the northern region of Morocco for than 7 months, reports AFP according to reliable sources. A journalist present on-site stated that three persons were arrested during the day including the publishing director of online newspaper RifPress, Mohammed Al Hilali. A member of local authorities confirmed two arrests to the French news agency. More than a hundred people have been questioned by