L’Organisation des Nations unies a annoncé, vendredi après-midi, que Christopher Ross a cessé, depuis le 30 avril dernier, d’occuper le poste d’Envoyé personnel du Secrétaire général pour le Sahara. “Concernant une question posée lors du point de presse quotidien, nous souhaitons clarifier que M. Christopher Ross a cessé, depuis le 30 avril 2017, d’assumer le rôle d’Envoyé personnel
A la suite de l’agression physique dont a été victime le diplomate marocain, M. Mohamed Ali El Khamlichi, de la part du Directeur général du ministère algérien des Affaires étrangères, le Chargé d’affaires de l’Ambassade d’Algérie à Rabat a été convoqué, ce jour 19 mai, au ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération Internationale
The Cherifian Office of Phosphates (OCP) and its subsidiary Phosboucraa broke silence following the seizure of a phosphate vessel in South Africa. The Moroccan leading company reacted to the hearing in the African country indicating that : «the allegations of the petitioners are unfounded and are initiated to divert the international political process». A process that «is handed to the United Nations Security Council», Map news agency reports. «The hearing took
Le roi Mohammed VI a procédé, à la Place Al Mizane à Fès, à l'inauguration de la «Mosquée SAR la Princesse Lalla Salma» avant d'y accomplir la prière du vendredi. D'une capacité de plus de 3 000 fidèles, la nouvelle mosquée a été édifiée par le ministère des Habous et des Affaires islamiques pour une enveloppe budgétaire de près de 25 millions de
Une vague de chaleur, avec des températures oscillant entre 36 et 44 degrés, touchera plusieurs régions du Maroc de vendredi à dimanche prochains, annonce la Direction de la météorologie nationale (DMN) dans un bulletin spécial. Des températures maximales variant entre 38 et 43 degrés sont ainsi prévues vendredi à Tata, Assa-Zag, Es-semara, Taroudant, Zagora et l'intérieur d'Agadir-Ida-Outanane, Inzegane,
The Middle East Business Aviation Association (MEBAA), is promoting its upcoming event during the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) which will be held in Morocco on September, Flight Global reports. The event unlike 2015, will be organized in Marrakech to host the annual MEBAA show. «The country is close to Europe and the government is promoting itself as the finance centre for the region. It has also become much easier to obtain a license to operate business aircraft
During the United Nations and decolonization 24 committee reunion held yesterday in Saint Lucia, an eastern Caribbean island, a Moroccan diplomat was «physically assaulted» by his Algerian counterpart, a Moroccan senior official told AFP news agency. The same source states that the aggressor was, «Soufian Mimouni, Director General of the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, adding that : «our diplomat has been sent to the hospital, the reunion was interrupted
A Moroccan Phosphate ship was held yesterday night in Panama by a complaint from the Polisario Front. According to the pro-polisario website Western Sahara Resources Watch, the Danish vessel Ultra Innovation that was carrying a phosphate cargo to Canada «has been detained by a national court». The same source indicates, that the vessel was crossing the Panama Canal shipping around 50 000 tones of Phosphate rocks probably destined for Arguim, a Canadian retail supplier of
A group of archeological experts held talks in the capital of Bahrain, Manama to discuss ways of promoting and preserving Africa’s old Islamic sites, Reuters reports. Their meeting took part of the Islamic Archaeology in Global Perspective conference organized in the gulf kingdom. The conference aims to highlight the richness of Islamic archeology sites in the African continent and most particularly Morocco, where volubilis is considered to be one of the most valuable historical
Sanlam, a South African financial services group along with insurance company Santam are increasing their stake in the Moroccan SAHAM Finances, International Adviser reports. The two leading South African firms headquarted in Cape Town are boosting their ownership from 30% to 46.6%. Santam and Sanlam first purchased effective stake in SAHAM Finances back in February 2016. «Having identified strong synergies between the Sanlam and SAHAM Groups, we are committed to unlocking