Morocco's Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita reaffirmed on Tuesday in Cairo King Mohammed VI’s unwavering support for all initiatives aimed at enabling the Palestinian people to achieve their legitimate rights. Speaking on the sidelines of the Extraordinary Arab Summit on Palestine, Bourita emphasized that the King’s stance on the Palestinian issue has always been clear and consistent, prioritizing national unity while supporting all efforts that empower the Palestinian people to
Morocco and Spain signed a Joint Declaration of Intent on Judicial Cooperation on Tuesday in Madrid, ahead of the 2030 FIFA World Cup. The agreement was signed by Moroccan Minister of Justice Abdellatif Ouahbi and his Spanish counterpart, Félix Bolaños. Signed on the sidelines of a ministerial meeting, this declaration strengthens the historic bilateral cooperation between Morocco and Spain. The agreement focuses on enhancing judicial collaboration to combat organized crime
Elle est peu connue, parce qu’elle ne figure pas vraiment sur les livres d’histoire. Khaoula est l’une des premières femmes à avoir embrassé l’islam. Elle était également poétesse et composait de très beau vers, surtout après la mort de son mari. Elle rapporta aussi de nombreux hadiths du prophète. Retour sur le parcours de cette lady de l’islam.
On the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, millions of viewers tuned in to 2M. The channel achieved impressive ratings, with a 36% audience share during prime time and 30% overall throughout the day. During the Ftour slot, 2M attracted a large viewership, according to a press release. The sitcom Mabrouk Elina was a standout, drawing in more than 12.2 million viewers. Other popular series included Addam Al Machrouk, which attracted 10.5 million viewers, and Charqui ou lgharbi, with 9.2
Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM), Morocco's central bank, has issued a statement denying false information circulating online that uses its identity. According to BAM, a press article published on a fraudulent news website misrepresents the bank by promoting a fake investment platform, while also using the image of BAM’s Wali, possibly created through artificial intelligence. The article falsely promises significant profits from the supposed platform. BAM has clarified that this content is
The Maghreb Athletic Association of Fès (MAS) has signed a sponsorship agreement with Daiko. This partnership is based on a «shared vision of performance, innovation, and social connection», values embraced by both parties, according to a statement. The initiative also underscores the home appliance company’s commitment to «supporting national sports» and strengthening ties with customers and fans. For over 15 years, Daiko has offered more than 600
Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) ha desmentido categóricamente una información falsa que circula utilizando su identidad. Se trata de «un contenido mediático presentado como un artículo de prensa, publicado a través de un enlace que suplanta la identidad de un sitio de noticias electrónico, y que informa sobre una supuesta plataforma de inversión de Bank Al-Maghrib». Este contenido «hace un uso fraudulento de la identidad de Bank
Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) a démenti une fausse information utilisant son identité, dans «un contenu médiatique sous forme d'article de presse publié via un lien usurpant l'identité d'un site d'information électronique informe sur une présumée plateforme d'investissement de Bank Al-Maghrib». Ce contenu «utilise frauduleusement l'identité de Bank Al-Maghrib ainsi que l'image de son Wali, en s'appuyant vraisemblablement
Sous Hautes Instructions de SM le Roi Mohammed VI, le Prince Héritier Moulay El Hassan et la Princesse Lalla Khadija ont lancé, lundi, l’opération nationale “Ramadan 1446” à Rabat, visant à apporter une aide alimentaire à près de 5 millions de personnes. Cette initiative, organisée par la Fondation Mohammed V pour la Solidarité à l’occasion du mois sacré de Ramadan, s’inscrit dans une
Siguiendo las Altas Instrucciones de Su Majestad el Rey Mohammed VI, el Príncipe Heredero Moulay El Hassan y la Princesa Lalla Khadija dieron inicio este lunes en Rabat a la operación nacional «Ramadán 1446», una iniciativa que busca ofrecer asistencia alimentaria a cerca de 5 millones de personas. Esta acción, organizada por la Fundación Mohammed V para la Solidaridad con motivo del sagrado mes de Ramadán, es parte de una tradición