Chen Zrihan is a Moroccan Jewish 19-year-old girl who was smuggled to Israel to be part of the Israeli Defense Forces. Chen who used to live in Casablanca with her mother and sister has recently finished her training, realizing a dream that she spoke to Yediot newspaper about in details.
King Mohammed VI has started a tour of the Gulf countries on Tuesday with the Qatar crisis on top of the agenda. The Sovereign has arrived in Abu Dhabi for a friendship and working visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is expected to be received in Qatar on Sunday.
Morocco is close to meeting its unconditional NDC targets, according to Climate Action Tracker, a report that tracks emission commitments and actions of countries. Based on the ranking provided by the tracker, the kingdom is one of the best performing countries when it comes to the fight against global warming.
A declassified document released by the CIA has shed light on the circumstances surrounding the Green March. Moroccans were able to enter the Sahara due to an agreement reached by Juan Carlos, Spain's Crown Prince at that time and King Hassan II, states the American agnecy.
Malca, a Casablanca native and lover who is shining bright little by little in the world of music. The young man is making himself noticed by merging two musical styles, namely Electropop and Arabic romanticism. Last week, the artist released «Casablanca Jungle», a song dedicated to Casablanca. Portrait.
The police have finally managed to arrest the two individuals who killed a man and injured two people in a shooting Thursday in Marrakech. According to the first elements of the investigations, the arrested are two Dutch nationals who are linked to smuggling, kidnapping and attempted murder.
FEPEX, the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers and Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Live Plants, said it was «worried» about the increase of Moroccan exports to the European Union and the growth of agricultural investments in the Kingdom.
A number of activists, representing religious minorities in Morocco will hold a national conference on Saturday 18th of November to voice their demands and worries. During the event, they are set to discuss freedom of worship in the kingdom and put forward a set of recommendations to secure their rights.
For the first time in Morocco’s history, religious minorities in Rabat will gather to demand their right of practicing their faith freely. A courageous step that comes a few months after, the National Human Rights Council helped pave the way.
The Baha’i faith is a religion that was established by Bahá'u'lláh in 1863 gathering the essential teachings of all religions and the unity and equality of all people. In October, followers of the Bahá'í faith in Morocco gathered to celebrate two important occasions according to their beliefs, namely the 200th anniversary of the Baha’i founder on the 22nd of October and the birth of Hazrat al-Bab, who proclaimed the status of