Les Marocains croquent les pommes à pleines dents. Rien qu'au cours des dix premiers mois de 2024, le pays a importé plus de 9 300 tonnes de pommes, pour une valeur de plus de 65 millions de dollars (653 millions de dirhams marocains). Un record depuis 2011, selon les données de EastFruit. Au cours des cinq dernières années, les importations de pommes du Maroc ont suivi une tendance à la hausse, 2023 étant l'exception lorsque les volumes
According to the 2025 Passport Index by Henley & Partners, Morocco's passport ranks 69th globally. The index, which relies on data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), evaluates the travel freedom of passports worldwide. Morocco's passport allows its holders to travel to 73 countries without a visa or by obtaining a visa upon arrival, placing it 69th among 192 countries and 227 travel destinations. This ranking positions Morocco as the leader in the Maghreb region,
The appetite for imported apples in Morocco is reaching new heights. In the first ten months of 2024 alone, the country imported a staggering 9.3 thousand tons of apples, valued at over $65 million (653 million Moroccan dirhams). This marks a record high since 2011, according to data from EastFruit. Over the past five years, Morocco's apple imports have generally seen an upward trend, with 2023 being the notable exception when import volumes declined. Compared to 2020, the 2024 imports
L'équipe du Maroc s'est qualifiée mercredi pour les demi-finales de la Coupe du Monde de la Kings League après avoir battu l'équipe des États-Unis. L'équipe marocaine a assuré sa victoire lors d'une séance de tirs au but après un match nul 7-7 avec les États-Unis. Le Maroc n'a pas perdu de temps et a pris l'avantage dès la première minute avec un but de Nader Louah. Cependant, les États-Unis ont
The Morocco team qualified on Wednesday for the Kings League World Cup semi-finals after defeating the United States team. The Moroccan team secured their victory in a penalty shootout following a 7-7 draw with the US. Morocco wasted no time, taking an early lead in the opening minute with a goal from Nader Louah. However, the US quickly responded with a flurry of three goals in just eight minutes. Morocco managed to reduce the deficit thanks to an own goal by the American side. The first half
A high school student has lodged a complaint with the public prosecutor at the Court of Appeal in Rabat, accusing her coach of «sexual harassment, attempted indecent assault, and blackmail in exchange for international participation». This development was reported by the newspaper Al-Sabah. Mohamed El-Massafi, the lawyer representing the student, explained that the incident occurred at a high school for excellence in sports and education in the Rabat region. This institution is
A delegation from the Foreign Workers Association (Als Mcl) within Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori, an Italian workers' movement focused on labor issues, social justice, and supporting workers' rights, will embark on a mission to Morocco from January 9 to 11. The delegation will hold several meetings between Fez and Rabat with the leaders of Morocco’s national trade union center, the General Union of Moroccan Workers (UGTM). The mission will also include a meeting with the President of
On Tuesday, the Court of Appeal in Fez handed down prison sentences and fines to the head of the Aman Foundation for Sustainable Education and several of its members. The charges stem from the embezzlement of public funds designated to reduce school dropout rates in rural areas. The court sentenced the president and the treasurer of the organization to four years in prison, each with a fine of 40,000 dirhams. Two other members were given one-year prison terms, with fines of 20,000 dirhams
The anticipated debate on the reform of Morocco's Family Code, initially set for January 7, 2025, in the presence of the Ministers of Justice and Habous and Islamic Affairs, has been postponed. Said Baaziz, Chairman of the House of Representatives' Justice, Legislation and Human Rights Committee, announced the delay, attributing it to a government request, though he provided no further details. Originally, the meeting was intended to delve into 16 key amendments. Outside the parliamentary
Several Moroccan trucks involved in international goods transportation came under fire from armed gunmen during the night between Monday and Tuesday in Nioro du Sahel, a town on the Mali-Mauritania border. Media sources reported that the incident caused material damage, though fortunately, no injuries or fatalities were reported among the drivers. According to Hespress, citing sources within the West African international cargo transportation sector, approximately 30 Moroccan trucks