Moroccan rapper El Mehdi El Marbouh, known by his stage name Medy Cartier, has been sent to trial on charges of sexual assault and child pornography, Italian newspaper Il Giornale reported on Wednesday. Born in Italy to Moroccan parents and currently based in Bologna, the rapper has a criminal history and is already known to the police for various offenses. The latest charges stem from accusations brought by a woman who was a minor at the time of the alleged incidents. Now 19,
Un homme armé a été inculpé pour le meurtre d'un Marocain de 28 ans, a déclaré la police de New York mardi. Jailyn Wagner a été accusé de meurtre au second degré et d'homicide involontaire au premier degré après que des membres de l'escouade des crimes violents du NYPD ont investi son domicile lundi matin, rapporte le New York Post. Le 23 juillet, Wagner a tiré une balle dans la tête d'Idriss
The three men convicted of the gang rape of a mentally disabled minor in El Attaouia were sentenced on Wednesday evening in Marrakech to prison terms ranging from six to ten years. Despite a DNA test confirming the paternity of the victim’s child, the main accused received an eight-year sentence—lighter than the minimum penalty prescribed by the applicable articles of the Penal Code. The civil party has announced its intention to appeal.
Spanish companies are being encouraged to invest in projects related to the 2030 World Cup in Morocco. The Secretary of State for Trade, Amparo López Senovilla, has expressed her support for Spanish companies' involvement in major investment initiatives in Morocco, particularly in the context of the 2030 Men's World Cup, which will be jointly hosted by Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. Senovilla visited Morocco this week to advocate for this objective. Over two days, she followed
A gunman has been charged with the murder of a 28-year-old Moroccan, New York police said on Tuesday. Jailyn Wagner was charged with second-degree murder and first-degree manslaughter after members of the NYPD’s Violent Felony Squad descended on his home Monday morning, reports the New York Post. On July 23, Wagner shot Moroccan national Idriss Cherif El Farissy in the head outside his Bronx apartment building in New York, authorities said. Wagner was the son of a tenant who lived
La compagnie nationale du Maroc prévoit d'augmenter la fréquence des vols entre São Paulo et Casablanca. Les vols directs entre les deux villes ont repris il y a deux mois, opérant trois fois par semaine. Royal Air Maroc vise à augmenter la fréquence à cinq ou six vols hebdomadaires d'ici la fin 2025 ou début 2026, selon Othman Baba, Directeur Général de Royal Air Maroc au Brésil. Cité par l'agence de presse
Morocco’s national carrier is planning to increase flight frequency between São Paulo and Casablanca. Direct flights between the two cities resumed two months ago, operating three times a week. Royal Air Maroc aims to increase the frequency to five or six weekly flights by the end of this year or as early as the beginning of 2026, according to Othman Baba, Royal Air Maroc’s Director-General in Brazil. Quoted by the Brazil-Arab news agency ANBA, Baba announced RAM’s
Les Lions de l'Atlas joueront deux matchs amicaux en juin en préparation des compétitions continentales et internationales, a annoncé la Fédération Royale Marocaine de Football (FRMF) le mercredi 19 février. Les deux matchs amicaux de joueront contre les équipes tunisienne et béninoise, a révélé la FRMF. Le premier match contre la Tunisie est prévu le 7 juin, suivi de celui contre le Bénin le 10
La Guardia Civil a découvert, mercredi, un tunnel clandestin reliant un entrepôt industriel de la zone industrielle de Tarajal à Ceuta—fermé depuis des années—jusqu'au Maroc. Selon El Mundo, le passage souterrain était utilisé pour faire passer du haschisch. Les trafiquants ont réutilisé d'anciennes canalisations qui transportaient autrefois l'eau des sources près de l'ancienne brasserie de Ceuta pour faciliter le
While Mandela came to Morocco to get the help he needed to defeat the Apartheid regime, Che Guevara was invited by Prime Minister Abdallah Ibrahim. During the same period, Fidel Castro had breakfast with King Hassan II in Rabat.