The Civil Guard and local police in Tarifa have arrested four individuals and are investigating six others after recovering ten stolen vehicles from various European countries. These vehicles were destined for sale on the black market in Morocco, according to the Spanish news agency EFE. An official Civil Guard statement revealed that the stolen cars—originating from France, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, and Spain—were either located within Tarifa’s urban area or
In 1979, Masjid al-Haram was seized by a group of 500 men under the leadership of Juhayman al-Otaybi, protesting against the Saudi monarchy. Islam’s holiest site was under siege for two weeks before Saudi Special Forces broke into the Mosque with the help of France and Pakistan.
Prospects for improved Morocco-Algeria relations are slim, with tensions escalating over the Western Sahara issue, according to Oxford Analytica. The firm also highlights the potential for increased conflict due to military spending, aggressive rhetoric, and the involvement of the Polisario Front.
With 49 votes out of 53, the president of Morocco's football body establishes himself as an essential figure in African and global football scene. His re-election strengthens Morocco's influence within FIFA ahead of major events such as the 2025 Africa Cup of Nations and the 2030 World Cup.
Vox vuelve a poner sobre la mesa el debate sobre la frontera entre España y Marruecos, reivindicando un trato igualitario en ambos sentidos. El partido político de extrema derecha español ha denunciado la «falta de reciprocidad» en el trato hacia los ciudadanos de Ceuta y Melilla, y ha exigido una relación comercial más equitativa entre ambos países. Emilio Buendía, miembro de la dirección de Vox en Melilla, enfatizó
Vox remet sur le devant de la scène la question de la frontière entre l'Espagne et le Maroc, plaidant pour une égalité de traitement dans les deux sens. Le parti politique d'extrême droite espagnol a dénoncé le «manque de réciprocité» dans le traitement des citoyens de Ceuta et Melilla et a réclamé une relation commerciale plus équitable entre les deux pays. Emilio Buendía, membre de la
Vox has once again focused on the border between Spain and Morocco, calling for equal treatment in both directions. The Spanish far-right political party criticized the «lack of reciprocity» in the handling of citizens from Ceuta and Melilla and demanded a more equitable relationship between the two countries when it comes to trade. Emilio Buendía, a member of Vox's leadership in Melilla, pointed out that Morocco's unilateral closure of the border in 2018 had harmed both
As Staffan de Mistura prepares to relaunch consultations on Western Sahara, the Polisario Front is once again demanding a referendum on self-determination. However, this option was dismissed by the UN over two decades ago, following a voter identification process plagued by disagreements.
Spain's cooperation strategy with Africa, titled «Spain-Africa 2025-2028: Working Together Through a Strategic Partnership», makes no mention of Western Sahara or the «Sahrawi people». This omission has sparked criticism from certain political circles in Spain and media outlets affiliated with the Polisario Front. The 96-page document references Morocco nine times in contexts related to trade, culture, and migration, compared to just four mentions of Algeria. It
Since Tuesday, photos and videos of thick foam flooding the streets of Sidi Bernoussi in Casablanca have been circulating on social media, sparking widespread debate. The phenomenon, which coincided with heavy rainfall, has raised concerns about potential health and environmental risks. Speaking to Kifache, Ahmed Afellal, Deputy Mayor of Casablanca, described the incident as «the first of its kind in the city» and confirmed that authorities have launched an investigation to