دعت وزارة التجهيز والماء جميع مستعملي الطرق إلى توخي المزيد من الحيطة والحذر، على إثر النشرة الإنذارية الصادرة عن المديرية العامة للأرصاد الجوية، التي تتوقع تساﻗﻄﺎﺕ مطرية رعدية جد قوية بعدد من أقاليم المملكة ابتداء من اليوم الجمعة. وأوضحت الوزارة في بلاغ بهذا الخصوص
أكد تقرير للمنظمة العالمية للأرصاد الجوية، أن عجز التساقطات المطرية خلال سنة 2023 بالمغرب شهد عجزا بأكثر من 150 مم، وهو ما جعل البلاد تعيش جفاف حادا أثر على مخزون البلاد من المياه، وعلى الانتاج الفلاحي.
Un rapport de SimSim - Participation citoyenne a confirmé que le gouvernement marocain n’avait pas réagi régulièrement aux questions des élus de la Chambre des représentants. Selon le document, certains ministères n’ont pas donné suite aux questions leur étant adressées, tandis que d’autres se sont contentés de répondre seulement à quelques-unes. Pourtant, la Constitution tient
In the Amizmiz commune, nestled in the heart of the High Atlas mountains, lies the remarkable village of «Douar Shems'y», a sanctuary designed to provide a new home for children orphaned by the earthquake that struck the Al Haouz region in September 2023. Situated about 60 kilometers southwest of Marrakech, this model village, aptly named «Shems'y» (Arabic for «my sun»), symbolizes the hope and warmth it brings to the lives of these children. Built in
Imane Berchane, co-founder of Robots & More and LOOP For Science & Technology, has been selected to join the seventh cohort of Obama Scholars, which includes 30 emerging global leaders. As part of this Obama Foundation initiative, Berchane will spend the 2024-2025 academic year at either Columbia University in New York City or the University of Chicago. «Imane Berchane is a tech social entrepreneur and STEM advocate, and Techwomen alumna working to advance gender and social
Dans la commune d’Amizmiz, au cœur des montagnes du Haut-Atlas, s’érige un village hors du commun baptisé Douar Shems’y, un espace conçu pour offrir un nouveau foyer aux enfants devenus orphelins à cause du séisme ayant frappé la région d’Al Haouz en septembre 2023. Situé à environ 60 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Marrakech, ce village modèle porte bien son nom. Shems’y, Mon soleil en
On Wednesday evening, the Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA) announced the winners of its 2024 Design Award, including Moroccan architect Aziza Chaouni, who was recognized for a prototype of a «sustainable earthquake-proof house» developed by her design office. Chaouni's project, conceived in the aftermath of the Al Haouz earthquake, was awarded in the impact category for its demonstration of «the ability to produce and develop projects through social and economic
Co-fondatrice de Robots & More et co-fondatrice de LOOP For Science & Technology, Imane Berchane a été sélectionnée pour rejoindre la septième cohorte Obama Scholars, constituée de 30 leaders émergents à travers le monde. Dans le cadre de cette initiative de la Fondation Obama, les bénéficiaires feront immersion dans l'Université Columbia de la ville de New York ou à l'Université de Chicago,
The Mauritanian Foreign Minister held separate meetings with his Moroccan and Algerian counterparts in Beijing on the sidelines of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum summit. «We reviewed the close bilateral relations between our two countries and discussed ways to strengthen and consolidate them for the benefit of our two brotherly peoples. We also addressed issues of common interest», Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug wrote on X following his talks with Nasser Bourita. An hour after his
On Thursday, September 5, Algeria's Foreign Minister, Ahmed Attaf, delivered his country’s statement at the China-Africa summit. Notably, Attaf did not reiterate Algeria's usual stance in Beijing, which typically includes calls «to end decolonization in Western Sahara» and «to organize a self-determination referendum» for the region. Instead, the foreign minister focused on economic matters, emphasizing Algeria's commitment to China's «Belt and Road»