The 30th Tetouan Mediterranean Film Festival will take place from April 26 to May 3, 2025, celebrating three decades of showcasing Mediterranean cinema. For this anniversary edition, the city's iconic cultural venues will host the festival, «offering film enthusiasts and professionals a privileged setting», announced the organizing association, Friends of Tetouan Cinema (ACT). This year, 10 feature-length fiction and documentary films from Mediterranean countries will
Russia is very close to signing another four-year fishing agreement with Morocco after a similar deal, signed in 2020, expired at the end of 2024, Russian news agency Interfax reported on Monday. «We submitted a draft order to the government for the signing of a new agreement with the Moroccan side for four years, with the option of extending it for another four years», said Ilya Shestakov, the head of Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency, speaking to reporters. He explained that all
يستعد المغرب وروسيا لتوقيع اتفاقية جديدة للصيد البحري، وذلك بعد انتهاء الاتفاق السابق الموقع عام 2020، والذي أتاح لروسيا استغلال الموارد البحرية في المنطقة الاقتصادية الخالصة للمغرب. وبينما تثير مثل هذه الاتفاقات اعتراضات متكررة من الجزائر وجبهة البوليساريو عندما يتعلق
تبدو الفكرة جريئة: حفر قناة من المحيط الأطلسي، في مكان ما جنوب المغرب، لإغراق جزء من الصحراء وخلق بحر داخلي. ومع ذلك، فقد تم النظر في هذا المشروع بجدية عدة مرات منذ أواخر القرن التاسع عشر. هل كانت رؤية طوباوية، أم طموحًا جيوسياسيًا، أم سوء فهم للطبيعة الجغرافية؟ دعونا نعيد
Moroccan actor Ayoub Gretaa has won the Best Actor award at the 40th edition of the Love International Film Festival (LIFF), which took place from March 7 to 15, 2025, in Mons, Belgium. The award recognizes the exceptional performance of Gretaa, who portrayed the character of Nour in «Across the Sea» by Saïd Hamich Benlarbi. This is the second film by the French-Moroccan director, which was screened during the Critics' Week at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival and was also
Les autorités marocaines intensifient les investigations de leur côté, concernant le tunnel de drogue découvert à Ceuta, dans le cadre de l’opération Hades menée par la Garde civile espagnole. Ces derniers jours, plusieurs fouilles ont été menées le long du tracé de ce parcours souterrain, utilisé depuis plusieurs années pour acheminer de grandes quantités de haschisch entre le Maroc et la
Moroccan authorities are ramping up their investigations into the drug tunnel discovered in Ceuta as part of Operation «Hades», led by the Spanish Civil Guard. In recent days, several excavations have been carried out along the route of the secret tunnel, which has been used for smuggling large quantities of hashish between Ceuta and Morocco for several years. This follows precise measurements, infrastructure inspections, and the use of sensor-equipped cameras to trace the
Following the widely circulated video filmed in the city of Marrakech, security authorities detained Algerian YouTuber Rachid Nekkaz on Monday to investigate the video's content. He was later released based on instructions from the public prosecutor. Nekkaz was arrested immediately after filming the video, which sparked significant debate on social media. In the video, he claimed the Koutoubia Mosque and the Almohad state founded by Abd al-Mu'min were Algerian and he discussed
L’acteur marocain Ayoub Gretaa a remporté le prix d’interprétation à la 40e édition du Love international film festival (LIFF), qui s’est déroulé du 7 au 15 mars 2025 à Mons (Belgique). Cette distinction récompense la prestation exceptionnelle du comédien, qui a incarné le personnage de Nour, dans «La mer au loin» de Saïd Hamich Benlarbi. Ce deuxième film du réalisateur
واجهت رحلة تابعة لشركة الطيران "ريانير" من مانشستر إلى أكادير مشكلة تقنية مفاجئة بعد وقت قصير من الإقلاع، مما أجبر الطائرة على التحليق في السماء لمدة ما يقارب الساعة قبل العودة إلى المطار، حسب ما نقلت صحيفة The Independent. الرحلة رقم RK1266، التي أقلعت في تمام الساعة 4:00 مساء، قامت