Heavy rains in Marrakech on Sunday, October 13, led to severe flooding around the city. Videos shared online showed submerged cars, flooded streets, and traffic tunnels completely inundated due to the heavy rainfall. The torrential rains even affected facilities in the city, including Menara Airport. A video shared by Le360 shows that the airport's corridors and boarding areas were flooded. Other streets disappeared following the showers, with cars submerged. ?مراكشأمطار
تسببت أمطار غزية هطلت يوم أمس على مدينة مراكش، في قطع حركة المرور في عدة شوارع بعدما غمرتها المياه. وتظهر بعض الصور غرق مركبات على مستوى قنطرة تاركة، وتدخلت عناصر الوقاية المدنية لإنقاذ ركاب إحدى السيارات بعدما حاصرتهم المياه. وكانت المديرية العامة للأرصاد الجوية قد حذرت
The Treasury's statement of charges and resources showed a budget deficit of 26.6 billion dirhams (MMDH) at the end of September 2024, compared with a deficit of 35.2 MMDH for the same period a year earlier, according to the Kingdom's General Treasury (TGR). This deficit takes into account a positive balance of 17.3 MMDH generated by the Treasury's special accounts (CST) and the State's autonomously managed services (SEGMA), says the TGR in its recent Bulletin Mensuel de Statistiques des
تسببت عاصفة رعدية ضربت تازة ونواحيها مساء السبت، في مصرع سيدتين بعدما جرفتهما السيول في جماعة الطايفة. وتم العثور على السيدة الأولى بدوار سعايدة، فيما تم العثور على السيدة الثانية في بدوار اولاد سيد، وتم نقلهما إلى مستودع الأموات بمستشفى ابن باجة الإقليمي بتازة. وتسببت
Des averses orageuses localement fortes, accompagnées de grêle et de rafales de vent, sont attendues lundi dans plusieurs provinces du Maroc, a annoncé la Direction générale de la météorologie (DGM). Les averses orageuses (30-60 mm) intéressent lundi de 8h30 à 20h, les provinces de Midelt, Tinghir et Errachidia, a précisé la DGM dans un bulletin d’alerte de niveau de vigilance orange. Le même
A British delegation of 12 companies will visit Morocco from October 15 to 17, announced John Humphrey, King Charles III's Trade Commissioner for Africa. The visit aims to explore partnership opportunities as Morocco prepares to co-host the 2030 FIFA World Cup. In his message to Morocco, Humphrey praised British expertise in delivering major sports infrastructure projects, notably highlighting the role UK companies played in organizing the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. British interest in
After issuing a statement on October 9 condemning MP Obed Bapela’s visit to Morocco, South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) has now taken disciplinary action. The party announced that Bapela, a former minister in the Presidency, has been removed from his position as deputy chair of its international relations sub-committee. During his trip to Rabat, Bapela met with Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bourita. This meeting sparked outrage within the ANC,
La situation des charges et ressources du Trésor dégage un déficit budgétaire de 26,6 milliards de dirhams (MMDH) à fin septembre 2024, contre un déficit de 35,2 MMDH à la même période un an auparavant, selon la Trésorerie générale du royaume (TGR). Ce déficit tient compte d'un solde positif de 17,3 MMDH dégagé par les comptes spéciaux du Trésor (CST) et les services de
Arabic-language media report the arrest of businessman Jonathan Harroch, owner of the «City Club» sports club chain, by Moroccan police on Saturday evening at a large hotel in Casablanca. The arrest followed the execution of a national arrest warrant, though the Public Prosecutor's Office has yet to officially announce the reasons for the detention. Harroch is reportedly accused of issuing bad checks, human trafficking, and drug trafficking. He is expected to appear
كن حذرًا ممن يزورك أثناء نومك، خاصة إذا استيقظت ووجدت بقع الحناء على يديك، فقد تكون هذه علامة على حب محرم مع كائن خارق للطبيعة مثل "تانيرت". قصة أونامير المأساوية تُظهر كيف يمكن أن يؤدي هذا الحب إلى السحر، والفراق عن الأحباء، والتضحية النهائية.