Le ministre de la Justice, Mohamed Aujjar, a appelé les procureurs généraux du Roi et les procureurs du Roi à veiller à l'ouverture d'enquêtes judiciaires sur les cas de non-dénonciation de crimes et à appliquer rigoureusement les dispositions juridiques adéquates afin d’assurer la préservation de l'ordre public, la sécurité des personnes et des biens et la suprématie du droit et de mettre fin
National Court Judge Fernando Andreu, assisted by two prosecutors, decided on Tuesday to interrogate the four suspects of the Catalonia attacks for «membership of a terrorist organization, murder, and carrying explosive devices», According to Le Figaro. In the evening, two suspects, Mohamed Houli Chemlal and Driss Oukabir, were charged with «murder». The third suspect, Salh El Karib, owner of a cyber cafe in Ripoll, was released for 72 hours and the fourth was
La Gendarmerie Royale s'est portée, mardi, au secours d’un chalutier ayant échoué à environ 10 miles marins au large de la côte de Moulay Abdellah, province El Jadida, avec à bord neuf membres d’équipage, indique un communiqué de la Gendarmerie royale parvenu mercredi à la MAP. Cinq marins pêcheurs dont le capitaine du chalutier ont été secourus par un hélicoptère de la Gendarmerie
Offering free hugs to support the people of Barcelona and most precisely Las Ramblas’ victims, is an initiative that was done by a Muslim man, reports Le Figaro today. Filmed by a CNN reporter called Javier Monne, the young man was standing in a video published on the American channel’s website, in La Rambla where 14 people were killed in ramming car attack and 130 others were wounded. The man was simply asking strangers to hug him as a way of showing that he is a peaceful Muslim
Primark, an Irish clothing and accessories company headquartered in Dublin, has dropped a range of Moroccan spa products, The Sun reports today. The products include a series of face masks namely a charcoal purifying peel-off face mask, a Volvanic foaming facial scrub and a Detox Clay Mask both and an anti-cellulite soap that costs. Each of the above-mentioned products is made of natural materials such as Volvanic Ash, oatmeal and olive stones.
Mahmoud Frites, a Moroccan movie director, has published on his Facebook account a post in which he encouraged people to rape homosexuals, reports Le 360 online newspaper. Reacting to the sexual assault incident that has shaken the kingdom a few days ago, Frites wrote on his Facebook saying «I do not understand people who rape a donkey, a disabled person and elderly person, a child, their children and do not touch those who wish to be raped». His post was accompanied by a photo of
Le 1er Dou Al Hijja de l'année 1438 de l'Hégire correspond au mercredi 23 août 2017 et l'Aïd Al Adha sera célébré le vendredi 1er septembre, a annoncé le ministère des Habous et des Affaires islamiques. Dans un communiqué, le ministère indique que le croissant lunaire annonçant le mois de Dou Al Hijja de l'an 1438 de l'Hégire a été observé mardi soir (22 août) et par
Morocco is to celebrate the first day of Eid al-Adha on Friday 1st of September 2017, the Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs said today. The Dou Al Hijja crescent was sighted today making tomorrow, Wednesday 23rd of August the first day of the Hijri month. Other countries will also celebrate Eid al-Adha on the same day, namely Saudi Arabia which announced earlier today through a tweet posted by the Saudi News agency SPA that Friday 1st of September will be the first day of Eid al-Adha,
Un petit immeuble menaçant ruine s’est effondré, mardi en fin d’après-midi, dans le quartier Derb Kabir à Casablanca, faisant un blessé léger, selon un bilan provisoire de la Protection civile. Les équipes de secours sont toujours à pied d'oeuvre à la recherche d’éventuelles victimes de cet incident, survenu rue des Poissonniers, précise-t-on de même source. La propriétaire du
The 18-year-old Moroccan asylum-seeker suspected of stabbing two people to death and wounding eight others in Turku, Finland on Friday, has admitted today the killing of the two victims during a closed-door court hearing held on Tuesday, reports Irish Times. The alleged attacker identified as Abderrahman Mechkah, did not admit any terrorist motive, according to his lawyer, Kaarle Gummerus. The latter told Reuters that «(his client) admits manslaughter and injuries ... But what the