100.1.1 . By the snorting coursers ,
100.2.2 . Striking sparks of fire
100.3.3 . And scouring to the raid at dawn ,
100.4.4 . Then , therewith , with their trail of dust ,
100.5.5 . Cleaving , as one , the center ( of the foe ) ,
100.6.6 . Lo! man is an ingrate unto his Lord
100.7.7 . And lo! he is a witness unto that ;
100.8.8 . And lo! in the love of wealth he is violent .
100.9.9 . Knoweth he not that , when the contents of the graves are poured forth
100.10.10 . And the secrets of the breasts are made known .
100.11.11 . On that day will their Lord be perfectly informed concerning them .