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In U.S. poll, 44% favour restricting Muslims' rights
18 décembre 2004 03:02
Over a quarter would force Muslims to register with government

Republicans, the 'highly religious' and TV news-watchers more likely to back repression


ITHACA, N.Y. — Nearly one-half of Americans believe the U.S. government should restrict the civil liberties of Muslim-Americans, a national poll indicates.

The survey conducted by Cornell University also found Republicans and people who described themselves as highly religious were more apt to support curtailing Muslims' civil liberties than Democrats or people who are less religious.

Researchers also found respondents who paid more attention to television news were more likely to fear terrorist attacks and support limiting the rights of Muslim-Americans.

"It's sad news. It's disturbing news. But it's not unpredictable," said Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society.

"The nation is at war, even if it's not a traditional war. We just have to remain vigilant and continue to interface."

The survey found 44 per cent favoured at least some restrictions on the civil liberties of Muslim-Americans. Forty-eight per cent said liberties should not be restricted in any way.

The survey showed 27 per cent of respondents supported requiring all Muslim-Americans to register where they live with the U.S. government. Twenty-two per cent favoured racial profiling to identify potential terrorist threats. And 29 per cent thought undercover agents should infiltrate Muslim civic and volunteer organizations to keep tabs on their activities and fund-raising.

Cornell student researchers questioned 715 people in the national telephone poll conducted this fall. The margin of error was 3.6 percentage points.

James Shanahan, an associate professor of communications who helped organize the survey, said the results indicate "the need for continued dialogue about issues of civil liberties" in a time of war.

While researchers said they were not surprised by the overall level of support for curtailing civil liberties, they were startled by the correlation with religion and exposure to television news.

"We need to explore why these two very important channels of discourse may nurture fear rather than understanding," Shanahan said.

The survey indicated 37 per cent believe a terrorist attack in the United States is still likely within the next 12 months. In a similar poll conducted by Cornell in November 2002, that number stood at 90 per cent.
18 décembre 2004 08:42

this poll is a republican hoax! it was made on 715 americans smiling smiley.
18 décembre 2004 09:36
You mean on 715 republicans & evangelicans? That wouldn't be suprising to me.
18 décembre 2004 10:50

I mean a poll on 715 americans that you call by phone will never reflect the american opinion! you know when someone call you in Morocco to talk about almasseera or Aid Alarsh smiling smiley! are you gonna say something bad!!!!!!!? you better not! the world we live in is a big joke. I wish they never taught us to be honest and good when we were kids...!? we paid very bad for trying to be good and honest at the end of the world. I wish Allah put that for us in consideration and make us reach the paradise easy with his mercy?
18 décembre 2004 14:48
Pour ceux qui se disent heureux aux ztazni cliquez: []
18 décembre 2004 22:25

kardash, ztazni est tamarra des marocains. les marocains des ztazni sont tres proche de "HELL" que du paradise. et tu achete the ticket to "the hell" ici avec only quelque dollars. j'ai jaimais pense que les ztazni est mon pays! mais qu'on tu trouve que des gents "humilating and oppressin each one the other" au maroc. tu trouve slave in USA much better than less than slave in Morocco
20 décembre 2004 15:31

la question n'est pas de savoir si 715 americains sont representatifs de presque 300 millions d'americains mais juste si le sondage est fait dans les regles de l'art
un echantillon n'a pas à avoir une taille minimale à respecter en fonction de l'importance du sondage ou de la population. il doit simplement etre construit selon les regles de l'art
a priori , on suppose que c'est le cas pour tous les sondages
maintenant a posteriori , on peut toujours trouver une erreur ou une malhonnetete
mais on a n'a pas le droit de dire que 715 personnes c'est trop peu
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